brian-briscoe-introductionIt seems the positive outlook a few of us around town have embraced over the last 9 months is now being shared by an increasing number of experts and businesses alike—it must have been contagious!  A few snippets of good news such as a possible US recovery, the forging ahead of Gorgon and a change of direction by the government regarding Australia’s chances of avoiding recession and all of a sudden, the re-emergence of confidence in the market suggests that the very lack of confidence was extremely volatile. We have definitely seen a lot of our clients now move ahead with talent acquisition, with a lot of the senior roles retained on our books caused by company growth strategies rather than attrition.

The future may be bright and busy again; I hope we all enjoyed the break!

In this edition of the Briscoe Bulletin, you will find an analytical view of the global market from Aaron Ross-Connolly, one of Perth’s most eminent financial advisors and investment managers, a snapshot on the new IR laws affecting Australian businesses, news of our brand new website as well as the upcoming Best Employer Awards. As usual, we hope you derive energy, optimism and enjoyment out of the 3 minute read of the Briscoe Bulletin. Perhaps the “R” word now can be “Recovery”!