Briscoe Search & Consulting is pleased to offer our clients the opportunity to plan ahead to ensure the best people are waiting to join your business. Put simply we call this Talent Mapping. Talent Mapping is all about employment preparation and the business being “in front of the footy” rather than waiting for example, for the contract to be awarded, an internal promotion or for someone to resign.

How Talent Mapping Works

Talent Mapping works by tracking an industry’s high flyers and rising stars e.g. Project Managers, General Managers, Construction Managers, Engineers etc. We make contact with them and gain an understanding of what they are looking for in their next role. By creating profiles for these individuals and monitoring their progress Briscoe Search & Consulting can then provide you with an accurate picture of all potential staff before they are needed, giving your business the confidence to grow.


Have you ever wondered?

  • How is your organisation perceived in the market place?
  • How do the top people in your space rate your company and your competitors as employers?
  • Where can you find the best talent for your business?
  • Are your salaries and benefits really competitive?

We know by working with many businesses that they spend considerable time reviewing safety and financial performance, KPI’s, new opportunities and other business data. Unfortunately the same focus is rarely spent on the people who make it happen and preparing for their arrival!

The key difference between Briscoe Talent Mapping and traditional recruitment is a proactive versus reactive approach. Talent Mapping prepares for the recruitment process via an existing relationship where our team knows intimately our clients business offering, potential or actual people needs, culture, and company direction.

Clear Market Understanding

Talent Mapping provides our clients with valuable information on the market conditions and competitor activity. So, in addition to direct feedback from ‘potential employees / targets’, our understanding and research allows for constant re-evaluation of our clients perception in the market to ensure they remain attractive to employees.

Talent Mapping provides you with the data:

  • How your organisation is perceived in the market place
  • How the top people in your space rate particular companies as employers
  • Where we are likely to be able to get the best talent from and into your business
  • How the salaries and benefits you offer really compare

I think we can all agree on one thing in business when it comes to growth, culture and profitability – it is “the right people that make it possible.”

Our Talent Mapping consulting is all about giving our business partners the edge on their opposition. We act as your representative ensuring there are people waiting for the opportunity to join your business and reducing the time it takes for traditional recruitment.


Call 08 9401 8080 or get in touch below