This morning, my little boy had his first day at school; 3 year old kindy to be exact but to him, it’s school! He has started mid-term due to when he turned 3 as he was one of only a handful of new starters this morning. So, off we all trotted to give him the sendoff to his next chapter of life as a family.
As I watched him get shown around the classroom, the toilets, where to put his lunchbox, his hat, his water bottle, I could see the excitement and nervousness in both his and his mother’s face. It also had so many similarities to the first morning induction / orientation of a new employee in a work environment. So many new names to remember, so many things to take in, hoping you made the right decision, looking forward to not “feeling like the new person” anymore.
I wonder does the first day in a job take us all back to that first day in school that I watched my son experience this morning. Knowing the enormity of such an event, perhaps we should pay even more attention, as colleagues, as the employer, as managers to the welfare and comfort of a new starter in our companies?
Much like the way another kid might take the new starter under his / her wing, show him where the best toys are, sit next to him during lunch, laugh at one of his jokes, a new employee’s first day is made so less tumultuous by the good deed, effort and friendship of a colleague. The basic concept of our experiences in life don’t change, they just get “more mature”. And perhaps that little boy or girl is still in our heads as we commence a new career. Those around us giving a helping hand can make it so much easier. So next time you have a new starter in your company, be the difference in their day; you may be amazed how quickly they settle in and add value to your employer because of it.
I can’t wait to see my son later today to hear how it all went and then remind him he won’t be new anymore soon!
8 May 2013
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